Monday, January 14, 2013

Insight Judy's Yoga Therapy

As promised, I am going to share some insight on Judy's yoga therapy. What a wonderful experience with teacher 1-1 on the very first day. ( I am really blessed and happy that I make the decision to attend this workshop and all seemed arranged for this meet up! I can immediately tell her sharing and techniques will be useful to me and the people around me.)

一切都好像己经安排好,在这样机缘巧合下我和Judy老师在Penang Yoga Plus 见面了。第一堂课还是一对一呢。让我在这一天对老师的療癒瑜伽有了更深一層的了解,也知道这一套理论可以幫助我身边有须要的人。感恩!

During these 5 days workshop, Judy teacher stressed a lot on the breathing. It is one of the most important aspect in yoga practice. "No breathing, no yoga". Poor breathing lead to poor circulation. How do you know if the person is with good circulation (you might have came across someone who has cold hands & feets). Do you know that poor circulation can lead to lot of heart related disease! The strengthening of core played an important role too. Without a strong core, you might not be aware you are using the wrong muscles to perform the asana!! The term 'yoga injury' is commonly heard nowadays. **You can see below the other limbs of Patanjali. I believed I have shared my view point that yoga is not just asana; all the above need to be observed.
在这五天的进階硏习班,深深的体会到老师书本中提及的一些要点。学瑜伽最重要在呼吸, 核心肌群力量及了解肌肉。没有呼吸,就没有瑜伽。(有些人有屏气的习惯,这会造成慢性缺氧,之後呢幔性疾病就跟随而来!)呼吸促进循环,要知一个人循环好不好,可摸摸手和脚,是不是冰冷的? 再说,循环差,血管容易硬化!没有稳固的核心肌群,往往就用其他身体部位去支撑体位(过度使用),久而久之,用错肌肉,越練越伤。肩颈、背、膝盖痛,青筋浮出、天使翼、雞爪颈等等问题。可悲!

** 以下是瑜伽八支;呼吸及体位只是其中之一、二。

  1. 制戒(Yamas):道德戒律
  2. 遵行(Niyamas):是指內在控制
  3. 體位(Asanas):是指瑜伽姿勢
  4. 調息法(Pranayama):系統的呼吸方法和能量的處理
  5. 制感(Pratyahara):是指感覺消失,控制內心,也稱調心。
  6. 專註(Dharana):集中注意,一心一意。集中專註力以提升生命之氣
  7. 禪那(Dhyana):即冥想
  8. 三摩地(Samadhi):超越意識的境界

The 4 important steps in Judy's yoga therapy:




I know you will be thinking, so simple. In order to go back to basic and apply altogether in the daily life, one must have the determination and discpline. Practice, practice and nothing but practice (agreed?)


This is one of the quote from Teacher "yoga is not just for external, focus on the internal". The beauty and health is grown from within. If got a chance, I rather to suffer outside than getting sick inside.

最後,老师常念的口边 语"瑜伽不在于外在美,而是練健康的內在"。一个人的生病都从內开始,所以皮肉痛也不要内脏痛。

Last but not least, I am glad to meet a group of yoga friends from all part of Malaysia!! I look forward to keep in touch and share our wonderful teaching experience in the near future.


Happy Birthday Judy Lou Shi.

Judy Lou Shi & Ericca Gan

You can get this book from Popular Book Shop.

My new toys ^-^  (the roller and block from Taiwan)

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